Obviously there is a time where we all have to grow up, right? Of course i'm right! It happens to all of us weather we like it or not. The one thing i've noticed is that so many people dread it ... but the ones that accept it are more successful and more likely to get to the point they want to be in life than those who don't. Since writing my last entry I have been able to recognize the experiences I have had in my life that has "MADE" me grow up and accept the turning points of life.
Serving as a servant of the Lord:
The first 19 years of my life prepared me for one thing, to go out into the world has a representative of the Lord to testify of Him and call my brothers and sisters unto Him. Sounds deep doesn't it? It is! And it was really really hard! Being a teenage boy and knocking on peoples doors of all ages and telling them that what I had could change their lives and pretty much telling them that their religion was wrong was no easy task. It literally forced me to accept so many things that are out there in the world today and configured my mind to understand what it was I as an individual had to do in order to keep my life on the right path. I had to keep my intellect sharp and my mind open so I don't make any mistakes that would lead me away from the happy life I want. Because of my mission I was able to discipline my mind and my actions to become a MAN of God!
I would have to admit that when I came home from my mission, I was a different person. Although I was still Dan the Man, The Flyin' Hawaiian! I actually think I, as a person am more outgoing than I was before the mission. I am definitely more willing to try things new but the reason why I do is because Life just Started! There are so many things to experience and I don't want to miss any of it. I'm still crazy as awesome, wanting to have fun and meeting new people. Although now its more wanting to make long-term connections so that when Arielle and I are older we know who to go to for help. Before the mission all I really thought about was my appearance, now days its all about working hard, praying harder, learning lots, and earning more.
Everyone knows that when you come home from your mission, the next step is to find that special someone and get HITCHED.... and that is exactly what I did.
On May 13, (friday the 13th) 2011 I was married to my sweetheart Arielle Mecham-Haban. Yes, I expected to get married much later, but there was no way in heck I was going to wait to get married to this girl :). I knew that it was right and I knew the timing was right and I made the right choice. It has only been 6 months, but in those 6 months I have learned and grown so much! Life as a husband is a step in life that changes all perspective, choice, motive, and happiness. My life has been filled with a lot of living up to do including a lot of responsibility, and I have gone through it basically alone. This made things a lot harder doing it alone. I got through it, but how nice it would have been to have someone there. Now i have someone. Church callings, financial decisions, school, work: so many parts of my life I went through by myself and it was hard. I still have all these things to put effort toward as a married man, but this time I have someone to do it with. Its not a question if I can do or not, because with Arielle I KNOW I can. The new question is if i will live up to my calling as a husband, provider, protector, and future father to keep working and get the job done. Over all, I am a much better person mentally, spiritually, and emotionally married than I ever was!
Over all growing up as made me become more a man of God than anything else. The great thing about it is I will always know who I am and what i represent. I am Daniel Haban, on the path of growing up .... but always the person you've fallen in love with since being a kid.
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